Arndt Organ Supply
Company L.L.C. Welcome to the website of Arndt
Organ Supply Company! Since 1966 we have been building parts
for pipe organs around the world. In this website, now in
the 21st century, we will describe the products and services
we offer to make your present and future organ building more
productive and rewarding!
AOSC is a company which specializes in quality-built
products for church and theater pipe organs. Our catalog
today reflects the changing needs of the pipe organ field.
We continue to build the quality hard-to-find, original
theatre organ parts, while we are also producing products
such as electronic control systems. Church pipe organ
supplies are an important division in the current expansion
of our business. We look forward to working with you in
all of your new projects and in updating present
installations. So, please take a look and let us know if we
can be of help. |